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Grooming 101

We placed this link up here as we have had a number of people that want to download the free video on grooming that Darlah did. It's her first attempt to share and as time goes on she will evolve and perfect but till then, here it is.

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Suzie KalmanLyn McLean
It was only when Lyn had reached the pinnacle of her health professional career at 36 that she decided to consider being owned by a little dog.  Her decision was based on the fact that Teddy her Bichon Frise would never be left home alone.  That he was able to come to work with his own bed and space under the boss’s desk!  Sadly Teddy died at 8 years, far too young as Lyn had not learned the incredible health benefits of feeding the raw evolutionary diet.  Three weeks after Teddy’s death in 1998 Bruin arrived, another Bichon Frise.  He is the ‘young man’ in the family in his 13th year.  Bruin got his first little Havanese play mate Twinkle when he was 8 and the Havanese family has grown to 3 with the arrival of Grimsby from the UK and Squirrel from Twinkle’s first litter  Lyn lives with her partner on a 6 acre block in a very fertile part of New Zealand known as the Bay of Plenty.  The land consists of an avocado and lime orchard and 4 paddocks with shelters on each for Brandy and Sparkie our miniature Mediterranean donkeys, 2 kune kune pigs, Peanut and Raisin and 5 big friendly woolly sheep.  All destined to live a long and happy life!  Life is never dull ‘down under’ where the family of 19 (2 with 2 legs) brings much laughter and richness into the household.  

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