Havanese Breed Magazine Issue #10
Sunday, October 9, 2011 at 8:07PM
Nathan Potechin

This issue is 62 pages including an in-depth coverage of the 2011 Canadian National Specialty in pictorial format as well as an interview with the Judge, Candace Mogavero who should be familiar to many of you. In addition to those photos contributed by Steven Ng in his five page pictorial, my wife, Darlah, took over 8,000 photographs during the course of the Canadian National Specialty. This is the usual consequence of using a digital camera and her not wanting to miss anything. She’s whittled them down but there are still a great many excellent photos. To see them please select this link: http://jalbum.net/en/browse/user/album/1057424/ Darlah also took photos of the Sweepstakes held just before the national specialty. Those photos are located here: http://jalbum.net/en/browse/user/album/1046856/

We have our continuing historically relevant contributions from Zoila Portuondo Guerra from Cuba, our usual training and informative articles from Teddy Green, Joan Weston and Claire Paulson which are relevant no matter which breed of dog you own. This issue we have stories from South Africa, New Zealand, England and Scotland as well as Canada and the USA. Bill Burns compares his own show experiences with Golden Retrievers and Havanese and how they differ and why. Arlene Etzig has something to say about the natural part on our Havanese. Lyndall Fry (Saki), Tom Wettlaufer, Suzi Kalman share humorous stories about the dogs with who they share their lives and Suzanne McKay tells us about her first Havanese. Marissa Johnson shares her experience at the recent 2011 US National Specialty from her unique perspective and we have included the new AKC Havanese Breed Standard. And finally, we hope to expand the magazine to include information about other breeds so that we better understand our own. This issue includes an article about Chinese Crested contributed by Hélène Bélanger.

Enjoy the read

Nathan Potechin

Article originally appeared on Havanese Breed Magazine (http://www.havanesebreed.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.